And it some days it feels like you don't get anywhere.
But exploring the places we find uncomfortable can mean we learn more, grow wiser, have more perspective, become better at managing change and difficulty, than if we just sat and did nothing.
I'm going to finish this year out. Don't try and stop me. If I don't get to December last year I'll blow a fuse. In the meantime, go to gritsday, where I like to keep things whiny. (Yes, I know that's late, too.)
And check out what I have already put up here, where I get to show off what it means to take responsibility for your children's education.
We've educated through the primary years out of the classroom because we think the government's boring, narrow curriculum, unimaginative, force-fed delivery, and repetitive drilling and testing regime takes the fun out of everything. It makes children passive recipients of someone else's knowledge.
In the real world my kids learn in society; they learn alongside professionals, using real tools, real skills, real knowledge.
We get to be together as a family, too! Yah for us! We can travel, see places together, do things because we damn well all enjoy being together, even though sometimes killing each other seems like a really fine idea.
Then there's the play. Real, serious, hour after hour intense play. The home of creativity; the place where artists, poets, thinkers, scholars, inquiring, active minds are nurtured.
So you could say this blog exists so the beauty of an education without a conventional 9-4 schooling system can shine!
But there's another motive informing this daily record of success. Because I want to shove two fingers up at ignorance.
Here is a comment on a list in 2009: 'home educators do not have the monopoly on good parenting'.
You could hear the phrase 'smug bastards' rising in that person's throat.